Before, During and After an Interview

Tips for before, during and after the job interview.

Before the Interview

  • Know why you are interested in the company and in the position that you are interviewing.
  • Know the exact time, place and location of the interview. Find out how long it will take you to get there and what the parking situation is.
  • Arrive early enough to allow yourself extra time to relax before the interview (about 10 minutes.)
  • Dress appropriately; exhibit good grooming.
  • Get a good night's sleep in order to be well rested and alert.
  • Anticipate possible questions and practice answers to each of them.
  • Prepare your questions to ask the interviewer.
  • Carry a portfolio with you, including: extra copies of your resume, references or reference list, 成绩单, certifications, samples of your work, 钢笔/铅笔, 记事本, and your appointment calendar.
  • Be enthusiastic; have an absolutely positive attitude.
  • Make a good first impression. Introduce yourself to the secretary/receptionist and follow the instructions you are given.

During the Interview

  • Greet the interviewer by name; address the interviewer by first name if invited to do so.
  • Offer a firm handshake during introductions, try to match their style of shaking.
  • Be aware of nonverbal behavior, make eye contact and control any nervous habits.
  • Relax, be yourself and think of the interview as an exchange of information.
  • Listen carefully to questions and give clear, concise answers.
  • Ask questions regarding job-related issues that will provide you with helpful information and will demonstrate your knowledge of and interest in the position and in the organization.
  • Inquire about follow-up procedures and thank the interviewer for his or her time.

After the Interview

  • Write down everything you feel you handled right and wrong. Note any information you may need to include in your thank you letter. Use the interview as a learning experience.
  • Always get the contact information of everyone involved in the interview process (name, address, title, email address). Ask the secretary/receptionist or ask for business cards.
  • 发送一个 thank you letter. Be sure to reiterate your interest in the position/organization.
  • If you do not hear back from the employer within the prescribed time, make a follow up phone call to find out what the status of the search process is for the position you interviewed for.

Thank You Note Sample